Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Importance of Character in Wealth Generation

It has been somewhat of an ongoing concern of mine that there has been

  1. A devaluation of the role of character in business

  2. And an underlying sentiment that wealth generation and character building are activities that are entirely different in nature and scope

Personally I view character development as key to building a solid self, and the development of wealth as an expression of that inner richness of a person.

Most of the conflicts we face around this issue often arises because we are not operating in sync with ourselves and are rather following the "demands of the market".

In other words, let us say my talent and desire is to be in music, but I end up in accounting for no reason other than market needs - one must say then that I have abandoned myself and donned an identity that is not quite mine.

It takes a lot of courage to follow one's dreams and a lot of character to accept the life that accompanies the following of that dream.


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